Mystery Mail : the Game

stuff mix who can solve the game

Mail a mystery, to anyone, anywhere the mail goes!

Include your own secret message trapped within, revealed by solving the game.

vintage family


facebook stamp light

How It Works

A peculiar envelope arrives in the mail, personally addressed.  Opening it reveals odd yet unassuming bits and pieces; elements, items, leads, ciphers, and conundrums – the game has begun.  Players use the clues in the mail, hidden web pages, (free) apps & online resources, and common household items to unlock the secrets, and crack the codes.  The adventure is limitless. 

Who can solve the game?  This is no easy task!  In the right hands, Mystery Mail will unravel a complex enigma and launch players into an immersive world of intrigue, from the comfort of their couch.

red envelope

the step-by-step experience…

1, Order the game for your family, friends, yourself, whoever – select an optional delayed mailing date, include an optional personalized message revealed when the game is completed.

2, We will confirm your order, you can access a printable gift card to provide to the recipient and give them a heads up about the game, or don’t and leave it part of the mystery.

3, A mysterious mailing will be sent out containing game elements.  A letter will identify that ‘someone’ has entered the player in the game, that there is a mystery to solve, that a secret message awaits their solution, and explains how to get things moving along.  Optional hints are available throughout, as well as checkpoints and communication with a game agent. (Check the FAQ for more info)

If players don’t solve the game…?  Players will be provided all of the materials required to complete the game at their convenience.  Hints are available.

If players do solve the game…?   A final secret message will be revealed along with the identity of the sender and their secret message (if included).

extra fun ideas…

You can add more to the fun of Mystery Mail by getting creative and using our secret message option to reveal something special:  a password or lock combination to a gift, the location of a hidden package or letter.  (IMPORTANT: do NOT include anything of vital importance or with personal security concerns – not all players solve the game).



Any Questions?typewriter

Ask away! Chat with us on Mystery Mail’s facebook, or use the email messenger below (but, we won’t give away any secrets about the game).

 **Please check your filtered email for our response from Mystery Mail Game if using the messenger below.**